Monday, October 19, 2009

Can We Find Something More Important to Discuss?

I must admit, after reading this story in the Capital Annex, TX GOV: GOP Candidates War Over Travel is Trivial by Vince Leibowitz, I got a slight headache. I agree with Leibowitz on his opinion of the Republican candidates and how childish it is to argue over something as meaningless as who is spending more on travel expenses.

When campaigning to be the Governor of this great state, I would imagine that it would be prudent to use one's campaign to make a strong and impressive statement. To waste energy on issues that have minimal importance is already bad enough, but failing to even come up with a mature rebuttal that is, let's be honest, lame.

Leibowitz also stated these attacks between the Perry and Hutchison camps demonstrates the fact that they are pretty much the same candidate with different packaging. Which may explain the fruitless attempts at attacking one another. With some of the differences that the candidates have, such as business tax, immigration, and stimulus funding, I think these are the issues that need to gain focus,not travel expenses.

I get that no one who wants everyone to agree with them likes to talk about their opinions because the fear of some people losing interest, but that's their job right now. Simply not mentioning the important issues does not make them non-issues. I think its time for both sides of this race to stop being petty, get out there, show us what each one can bring to the table from a political stand point and work on key issues that make the state a better place as a whole.

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