Monday, November 2, 2009

Another Brick

A press release from the office of Gov.Rick Perry ob October 31st,2009 illustrated an urgent threat to Texas. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has enlisted the town of Presidio,TX as a proverbial dumping ground for the nation's illegal aliens.
The Alien Transfer and Exit program may very well be detrimental to our state's resources and security. While I agree,vehemently that the illegal alien problem in thee state as well as the nation needs to be solved, this notion of transferring all I.A.s to Texas does not take into mind the effects on our state. Our border security can not handle the amount of illegal aliens crossing into Texas successfully as it is. While becoming the port of exit for the entire U.S. we also simultaneously become an overwhelming port of entry. This strategy forces strain on local law enforcement and will prove costly to taxpayers. The idea may ease the burden on other states but only at the cost of increasing ours.
This brings to mind the though of taking responsibility for driving an inebriated friend home. But instead of taking them home, driving them to another friend's home and leaving them to finish the job, unconcerned with the inconvenience placed on an undeserving party.
ATEP was put into affect November !st of this year, leaving us to pick up the bill and brunt of the consequences. This only reassures the fact that a cure for the I.A. epidemic must be discovered and administered correctly. To solve our problem we must first resolve the underlying issue, because passing the buck just will not cut it.

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